Honey Bun Cake

I took this cake as part of our Lifegroup’s breakfast. I served a breakfast casserole, glazed pigs in a blanket and topped it off with this amazing Honey Bun cake. It is quick and easy! Add to brunch or breakfast and you will be the hero! Here's how...
Cake batter:
I Box yellow cake mix
3/4 cup oil
4 eggs
8 oz. sour cream
I cup brown sugar
1 Tbsp cinnamon
2 cups powered sugar
4 Tbsp milk
I Tbsp vanilla extract
Mis cake mix, oil eggs, and sour cream by hand about 50 strokes. Put half the batter in 9x13 pan. Combine brown sugar and cinnamon and spread them over the entire cake. Spread the rest of the batter on top of this. Use a knife to make swirls in the cake. Bake at 325 degrees for about 40 minutes. Make the icing while the cake is cooking. Simply mix together ingredients in a bowl until well combined. When the cake comes out of the oven, take a fork and gently poke holes throughout the cake. Pour icing on top of the cake. Enjoy!
*Photo from half-scratched