I love to be comfortable. Whether it is being in my cozies (clothes that are comfy) or eating comfort food, I am a woman of comfort. However, when it comes to my life with Jesus, if I get too comfortable, I start to ask Him, what is it you are asking me to do? I desire to live a life that is pleasing to Jesus. I know that I was born to make Him famous!

The Lord always answers so sweetly through His Word and His people. One of my go to women when I am feeling like I need to get out of my comfort zone is Amy Pierson. Please listen to the “Wonder Podcast” when she was our guest. She will get you up and going! She always says amazing things, but this day she said, “that our comfort and our calendar keep us from telling people about Jesus! There is no party without Him, there is no heavenly home without Him and there is no eternal life without Him! When I heard those words, I thought I do not want to let the Lord down. I know I pass men and women everyday on the sidewalks I walk on that need to know about Jesus. It is not my job to save them, but it is my job to pray with them and tell them about the party!
In Mark 1:17, Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.” So the question for my life is, if I am following Him, am I allowing room in my calendar and taking time to get out of my comfortable schedule to tell, pray and care about those that I pass on my sidewalks each day. Oh Lord, the cry of my heart is to see people through your eyes and hear them through your ears. Thank you Amy for spurring me on.
I love this blog! Amy Pierson is an awesome woman of God. I wanted to share a story about her. I think she probably makes time and doesn’t really know the impact she makes. She probably don’t realize it but I thank God for her. About 9 years ago I was working for Life Way and we were visiting Prestonwood. Our daughter Lauren was going into the 9th grade and was reluctant about going to the youth group at such a large church so I was praying God would put someone in her life that would draw her in. Well one Saturday I was working and in walked Amy Pierson. She told me she was looking for some journals for…